Sunday, 1 July 2012



GARC APPLY FOR NEW ARDOYNE PARADE TO ASSERT RESIDENTS RIGHTS! The Greater Ardoyne Residents Collective have applied to the North's Parades Commission for a new residents march on July 12th to demonstrate local opposition to unwelcome Loyal Order parades which regularly cause increased tensions, rioting and military-style curfews on our community. 

The local march is sheduled to take place @ 6pm on July 12th from Ardoyne Avenue, along Havana Way, Etna Drive, Stratford Gardens, Berwick Rd, Estorial Pk, Ardoyne Rd, Crumlin Rd, Brompton Pk, Havana Way and back into Ardoyne Avenue. Where a Rally will be addressed by GARC Activists. 

Estorial Pk/Ardoyne Rd, July 12th, 2011

Last year, GARC was prevented from entering the Ardoyne and Crumlin Roads, even though the two roads interface the local community. Local residents were not permitted to walk along the area by a large force of riot-clad RUC/PSNI personnel, dozens of Armoured Vehicles, Helicopters and three Water-Cannons. The same Political Police facilitated the Orange Order, a Loyalist Flute-Band and supporters walking the same route against the wishes of Greater Ardoyne residents that resulted in intense rioting across the area. 

 GARC March, 2011

To address riots and other local concerns, GARC held a Public Meeting last Tuesday evening 26th June in the Crumlin Star. That was well attended by hundreds of local residents and Politicians. GARC outlined its plans for the forthcoming march and answered a number of pertinent questions from the floor. As ever, GARC have asked for those who wish to become involved in trouble and rioting to please stay away from the area on the Twelfth. They only want those interested in peacefully demonstrating their opposition to secterian parades to attend. As rioting only takes the Media focus away from those who insist on marching, those who permit them and those who faciliate unwelcome parades through our community!  

GARC also reiterate our motto, If there are NO unwelcome Parades - There will be NO Violence!